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Asymmetry? Learn About Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is a type of cosmetic surgery to enhance the shape of the breasts and increase the size. In most cases, this is accomplished through the use of saline or silicone breast implants. The majority of plastic surgeons view the procedure as a means of enhancing the natural proportions of their patient and creating a profile that is aesthetically pleasing and more symmetrical. Every surgery is customized for the unique and specific needs of the patient. Many surgeons use silicone breasts to view the placement of the implants and enable the woman to see the way she will look after the augmentation. After all preparations have been completed, the process begins when the surgeon makes the incisions required to place the implants. The scarring is difficult to see and minimal due to the small size of the incisions.

Saline implants are heavier than the silicone. The majority of women choose silicone implants because they have a more natural feel and appearance. These implants are filled with a sticky, thick, gel-like fluid. This fluid has the same feel as human fat. The majority of women believe breast implants filled with silicone most closely resemble the natural look and feel of breast tissue. The typical implant should last approximately ten years. Most plastic surgeons recommend having the implants replaced every eight to ten years. If the implant ruptures, it is obvious due to the deflation and asymmetry of the breasts.

A typical patient for breast augmentation is non-existent. Each woman is unique with a different shape, size and reason for deciding to have the procedure. Some women want to have the procedure to enlarge their breasts. Others are attempting to have breast deformities corrected. Still others have asymmetrical breasts. Breast implants can be used to effectively correct all of these issues. Some of the most common reasons for this surgery include:

• Increasing the level of confidence
• Enhancing the self-image
• Restoring the fullness after breastfeeding or pregnancy
• Complimenting curvaceous hips by adding more balance

It is important to have the surgery performed by a board-certified, experienced, and skillful plastic surgeon. Looking at before-and-after pictures enables the woman to decide if she likes the aesthetic style of the surgeon. It is also important to find out approximately how many augmentations the surgeon has performed. The plastic surgeon should never be chosen according to price. Optimal results, experience, skill, safety and style are much more important considerations. If the woman is not happy with her results for any reason, it will not have anything to do with the price. The general rule is the more skillful the surgeon, the better the results of the augmentation. The woman should have all her questions answered before proceeding with the surgery.

Implant and Incision Options for Breast Augmentation

There are many more choices for augmentation and customization now than in the past. This includes options for breast reconstruction, a slight cleavage boost, or more dramatic curves. The two most important options are the type of opening and the implants used during the operation. The surgeon will review all of the options available during the initial consultation. The types of filling for the implants are silicone gel, saline, and cohesive silicone. The type of opening depends on the filling selected. It is important to discuss these options with the surgeon to ensure the woman makes the correct choice for her needs. The shape of silicone and saline implants is usually round. The gummy bear implants ave available in both round and shaped options.

The upper area of the breasts usually appear fuller with a round implant. The profile of the breasts have more of a gentle slope with the shaped implants. The skill of the plastic surgeon enables both choices to appear as completely natural. The recommendation of the surgeon is based on the ultimate goals and proportions of the woman. In most cases, an implant with a higher profile is necessary for petite women. This prevents the implants from being to wide at the bottom and increases the breasts to the desired size. Many patients need a different size in each breast to provide the best symmetry possible. The size chosen is a combination of the recommendations of the surgeon, personal desires and breast size.

Choosing the correct implant size is critical for a well proportioned and natural appearance. One of the most common concerns of nearly every woman considering breast augmentation is the scars. It is important to understand an experienced plastic surgeon uses specialized techniques to ensure the openings are made in such a way they are inconspicuous and easy to hide. There are several different techniques available to the surgeon for the breast implants. The right one depends on the outcome desired by the patient and their specific anatomy. The first technique is called inframammary. This is when the crease beneath the breast is used to make a short opening. The resulting scar is easily hidden in the crease. The benefits of this type of opening include a better access point and the ability to precisely use either gummy bear or larger silicone implants.

The transumbilical technique places the incision right above the individual’s belly button. This incision is used to insert the breast implants prior to being lifted to the breasts. The key benefits are the breasts have no scarring and the procedure only leaves one scar as opposed to two. The trans-axillary technique uses the armpit to make a small opening. The implant is then placed with the use of specialized instruments including a camera to make certain the placement is optimal. The breasts do not have any scarring and the small scar is not readily visible. The periareolar technique is when the outside edges of the areola are used to make the opening. The pigment transition effectively hides the resulting scar. This opening is common when the plastic surgeon is also doing a moderate or mild breast lift during the surgery.

Within a few hours after the surgery has been completed, the majority of patients feel good enough to walk without any help. Most of these individuals only require a recovery period of a couple days before they leave their homes. The surgery generally results in some soreness. It is important to limit strenuous exercises and not participate in any aggressive exercises for a few weeks. The plastic surgeon will provide specific instructions for every patient. For optimal healing, these instructions must be followed. This often involves wearing a supportive sports bra or surgical bra for a specific period of time after the breast augmentation.

If the surgeon chooses to place the breast implants under the pectoral muscle, the breasts often appear too high after the surgery. This effect is completely normal. During the next few weeks, the implants will begin to settle until they reach the correct position. It is important to note optimal results can take a couple months. This method is preferred by numerous plastic surgeons. After the surgery, there are several important considerations. This includes:

• Mammograms are still safe with breast implants. It is important to have a mammogram on a regular basis.
• The results of the surgery can be impacted by fluctuations in weight or pregnancy. In some cases this may result in changes requiring a second surgery.
• It is important to have monitoring with silicone breast implants. This may include an MRI, ultrasound or mammogram.
• Breast tissue will be changed by the normal process of aging. Unnecessary sagging can be partially prevented by wearing a bra supporting the activity level of the individual.

When the augmentation is performed by an experienced plastic surgeon, the results last for a long time and the surgery is safe. A large majority of the women who had augmentation performed were delighted with their results. Talking to a plastic surgeon is the best way to decide if this surgery suits your individual needs and desires.

The Benefits of Breast Augmentation

This type of augmentation is one of the most popular aesthetic surgeries all over the world, including the United States. There are a lot of benefits to this procedure such as additional confidence and a more youthful appearance. Every year more and more women have an augmentation performed to take advantage of the numerous benefits. Micromastia is a term indicating the way a woman perceives herself after comparing the size of her breasts to other women. Women with this condition often feel embarrassed about their figure causing them to suffer. These women often turn to breast implants to substantially improve their confidence level and self-image and achieve a much fuller figure.

Women are not the only ones whose self-image can be damaged by their breasts. Men suffering from gynecomastia often choose to have surgery to decrease the size of their breasts. This condition causes tissue in male breasts to swell due to a testosterone and estrogen hormone imbalance. Due to the tremendous variation in breast sizes, it is difficult to diagnose a condition referred to as micromastia. This condition is usually diagnosed by a physician after puberty when the female’s breasts have still not developed. Another key reason for a breast augmentation is to maintain a more youthful appearance. As women begin to age, they often start to notice a gradual loss of volume and a sagging effect. When a breast lift is combined with augmentation, the result is the restoration of the volume and perky figure the woman had during her youth.

Many women who have experienced pregnancy and chosen to breast feed notice changes in their breasts. The breasts often become smaller or start to droop. Breast implants are often sought as a way to restore the body to the way it was before pregnancy. If the woman has lost too much volume because of pregnancy and birth, it is impossible to restore this volume through exercise alone. Having an augmentation using breast implants is the only way to effectively restore lost volume. In many instances, this procedure is combined with additional cosmetic procedures such as the tummy tuck. This has become so popular it is now referred to as the full mommy makeover. Each individual procedure included is determined by the woman.

A lot of women and some men have had to have a mastectomy due to breast cancer. One of the best options for restoring their original figure is having breast reconstruction surgery incorporating breast implants. It is extremely important to note this is much different from a typical augmentation. The procedure is a lot more complicated, involves reconstructing the areola and the nipple and skin grafting. In this instance having the surgery performed by an experienced and skillful plastic surgeon becomes critical. Research has determined if a woman has low self-esteem directly related to her appearance, her confidence level dramatically increases after an augmentation.

Get In Touch with Us for More Information

If you are interested in a breast augmentation, please feel free to make an appointment with Athena Plastic Surgery. At our convenient locations in Palm Beach and Stuart, our caring and devoted team of professionals will be pleased to explain your options in full, address any questions and concerns you may have, and help you achieve your ideal aesthetic. Contact us today to set up your consultation – we look forward to speaking with you!

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