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Benefits of a Breast Lift after Pregnancy

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Having a baby brings immense joy and feelings of accomplishment, but not all of the physical effects are so great. As any mom will tell you, having a baby causes body parts to sag, particularly the breasts. Fortunately, women can thwart nature’s effects on their bodies by seeking breast lift surgery.

What Is A Breast Lift?

A breast lift is a type of cosmetic procedure that is used to address sagging breasts. The surgery rejuvenates the way breasts look and feel, no matter how much their condition has degraded due to breastfeeding. The procedure can offer many benefits to both your physical appearance and psychological well-being.

Fuller Breasts

The breasts are supported and held in place by bands of elastic-like connective tissue in the chest wall known as ligaments. During pregnancy and for a while after childbirth, the breasts grow enlarged and heavy as they produce milk. This excess weight stretches the ligaments. Over time, they wear out and lose their capacity to support the breast tissue, and you’re left with droopy, sagging breasts.

Drooping breasts are more than just an aesthetic problem. They can cause discomfort for many women because they tend to wiggle and shift more than firm, youthful breasts. Furthermore, they can have a dramatic impact on how your clothes and bras fit as well as your ability to easily shop for new ones.

Extra weight in the breasts stretches out the skin and leaves the underlying tissue exposed, which is what causes stretch marks. These can be aesthetically unpleasant and often foster intense self-consciousness.

Breast lift surgery raises the breast tissue into a perkier, younger-looking position and reinforces the connective tissues that support them. The result is shapely, full, and sexy breasts that don’t cause discomfort or wardrobe malfunctions.

Who Is A Candidate?

If you have sagging breasts caused by pregnancy or other factors and you’re unhappy with them, you may be a good candidate for breast lift surgery. However, potential candidates should also be in good emotional and physical health and possess realistic expectations about the results of the surgery.

What to Expect

Breast lift surgery may be performed using either general anesthesia by itself or local anesthesia along with a sedative. After the anesthetic takes effect, the surgeon will remove, reshape, and lift the breast tissue as needed to achieve your desired results. Once the procedure is finished, the incisions are sutured and dressed, and you’re given a surgical support bra to help your breasts heal in the proper positions.

You may have small drainage tubes at the incision sites to prevent fluid accumulation. Bruising, swelling and discomfort are common, but typically resolve in a couple of weeks. Numbness may be present and can last up to six weeks. Results are noticeable immediately, but they become fully apparent once healing finishes in a few months.

Schedule Your Consultation

If you’re ready to lift and restore sagging or drooping breasts, Dr. Avron can help. At Athena Plastic Surgery in Stuart and Palm Beach Gardens, we offer breast lift surgery to help women restore the shape of their breasts. Our medical team works with each patient individually to determine the most effective treatment plan for her needs. Contact Athena Plastic Surgery today to schedule your consultation.

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