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Is Breast Reconstruction Right for You?

Breast reconstruction

You have gone through the experience of having your breasts removed. Whether you have been diagnosed with breast cancer or you have chosen this route as a preventative measure, it is life-altering no question. Your body is not familiar to you anymore. You are feeling deeply self-conscious. You don’t want your partner to see you like this. You don’t like to look at your own reflection. Breast reconstruction offers you a solution that can restore your confidence. Losing your breasts can be difficult, but you can feel whole again with breast reconstruction in the West Palm Beach area.

Why Choose Breast Reconstruction Surgery?

Breast reconstruction surgery is a popular alternative for women who have had their breasts surgically removed. You have made a wise move by choosing a mastectomy, reducing the chance of cancer spreading throughout your body. That doesn’t mean you have to accept a life without breasts. They may not be your natural breasts, but reconstructed breasts look and feel authentic. You need a positive attitude about your self-image as you move forward. Breast reconstruction helps you to rebuild your body and your life after a mastectomy. You can choose to have your breasts reconstructed as soon as your breasts are removed or you can wait. Some women prefer to complete treatments before going through breast reconstruction surgery. If you do choose to have breast reconstruction surgery immediately, you will spare yourself going through the healing process from breast surgery more than once. Timing is completely up to you.

How Does the Process Work?

You have more than one option for breast reconstruction. You can choose to have implants, you can have breasts formed from your own tissue, fat, and skin, or you can opt for a combination approach. Once your breasts have been formed, your plastic surgeon will focus on your nipples. Nipples can be formed from breast tissue or you can have the illusion of nipples created by a person who specializes in medical tattoos. If you choose to have your nipples formed by your plastic surgeon, they will still need to have color added to make them look realistic. Once you have healed from your procedure, you will be able to enjoy your new breasts. Depending on the size you choose, you may feel like they look better than they ever did before. Most importantly, you will be making a commitment to a healthier you.

Contact Us to Get More Information

If you believe breast reconstruction is the right choice for you, we warmly encourage you to get in touch and make an appointment with Athena Plastic Surgery! Here at our office in Palm Beach Gardens or Stuart, FL, you can ask our caring and dedicated professionals about your options and get all your questions answered. Contact us today to set up your consultation – we look forward to hearing from you!

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