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Combat Stubborn Body Fat with Liposuction


If you have reached your ideal body weight but you have still have trouble spots, liposuction could be the answer that you are looking for to give you the results you want. At Athena Plastic Surgery, our medical team can help you get there.

How Liposuction Can Help You

Liposuction is not a solution for dramatic weight loss. It is recommended for those who are at a stable body weight and do not need to lose weight. If you have excess fat in your upper arms, abdomen, thighs, and buttocks, to name a few of those nuisance areas, liposuction can help you get rid of it.

What to Expect During Liposuction

Liposuction is performed as an outpatient procedure. Your doctor may give you a sedative intravenously, a local anesthetic, or general anesthesia. You will discuss which alternative is best for you. At that point, small incisions will be made in the areas of concern. A local anesthetic will be administered at the site of the incision. This will help to reduce your discomfort and any bleeding. The next step is to insert the cannula, a hollow tube that is moved back and forth to loosen fat deposits. The fat is then vacuumed or suctioned out of the thin tube, effectively removing it from your body.

What to Expect During Recovery

After your incisions have been closed, you may have small tubes inserted for drainage of fluids. These are only temporary. Elastic bandages and compression garments are often used to minimize swelling. They will also help to shape your body. You will stay in the recovery room for a set amount of time, usually no more than two hours, and you should have a friend or member of your family drive you home. Someone should take care of you for the next 24 hours. Your surgeon will provide you with instructions about caring for your incisions and drainage tubes. You’ll also be provided with a pain reliever and need to restrict your activity for the next few days. Pay attention to instructions for when you can resume your daily routine. Swelling could take several months to go down.

Is Liposuction for You?

Liposuction is not a wise choice if you are planning on losing a dramatic amount of weight or you are pregnant as your body is going to go through changes. You will need to be diligent about diet and exercise to maintain the results of your procedure.

Set up a visit with Dr. Avron H. Lipschitz of Athena Plastic Surgery to find out if liposuction is the best choice for you. Dr. Lipschitz and his highly trained staff will be able to answer any questions or concerns you might have about the procedure. Contact us to set up a consultation and we at Athena Plastic Surgery will set you on the right path.

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