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When to Consider a Breast Lift

breast lift

A breast lift is a cosmetic surgery that falls under the umbrella of breast augmentation. Unlike enhancements or reductions that address issues of volume and size, a lift procedure addresses the positioning of the breasts on the chest wall and aims to improve the patient’s aesthetics and quality of life.

If you’re considering breast augmentation due to saggy breasts, back pain or you have been “built low” since puberty, a breast lift can give you the pert, perky bosom you desire. There are several factors that indicate you’re a good candidate for this procedure.

You Are Not Happy with the Position of Your Breasts

One of the biggest deciding factors for whether or not you should consider cosmetic surgery is desire. If you feel your breasts are not high enough, that alone is reason enough to seek a professional opinion concerning your surgical options. Self-esteem and self-confidence are both integral aspects of a healthy life and are every bit as important as other reasons for seeking surgery.

You Will Not Be Breastfeeding in the Future

The breast lift procedure affects the milk ducts, making it likely that you will be unable to breastfeed in the future. If your family is complete, this may not be a concern. If, however, you are planning on having another child and feel strongly about breastfeeding, you will want to postpone surgery until after you have breastfed for the final time.

You’re Tired of Granny Bras

Many women, in an attempt to put their breasts back up where they belong, will wear tight, unforgiving brassieres to get the desired shape and outline. This can lead to deep grooves in the rib cage and shoulders, back and neck pain, as well as embarrassment about their bras. If you are wearing heavy-duty shapewear and are tired of the constriction and discomfort, a breast lift can get you back into cute, alluring intimate wear.

You Are Sick of Back, Shoulder, and Neck Pain

Regardless of what kind of bra you are wearing, if any, low breasts can cause excess strain on a woman’s back, neck and shoulders. This can lead to bad posture and pain. Many women, especially those with smaller breasts, are mystified about the source of their discomfort and suffer far longer than they should. After all, if you’re “only” a B-cup, you may not know that the low positioning of your breasts may very well be the source of your pain.

You’re Tired of Tailoring Fees

For women who have careers that demand a professional wardrobe, low breasts can equal big bucks in tailoring fees. Having bust darts removed and recreated in every blouse, blazer and dress you own can be a staggering cost. If you’re ready to buy clothing off-the-rack, a breast lift can help you.

Learn More Today

A breast lift can make a big change to your confidence and comfort levels. If you feel like you’re ready to take the next step and get a professional opinion regarding your case, schedule a no-pressure consultation at Athena Plastic Surgery, with locations in Stuart and Palm Beach Gardens. We would be happy to review your case and discuss all of your options with you. Contact us today to schedule your appointment to learn more.

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