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Enjoy a More Proportionate Figure with a Breast Reduction

breast reduction

While plenty of women want a larger, fuller bust, it’s not the right choice for everyone. A large chest can cause back and shoulder pain, in addition to making a woman feel self-conscious about her proportions. If you feel your breasts are too large and are thinking about taking steps to have them reduced, understanding the process of breast reduction surgery is integral to making the right decision for yourself.

Reasons to Consider a Breast Reduction

When considering a breast reduction, some women may feel guilty or vain. After all, many women pay to have a larger bust! However, what is right for one woman may not be the correct choice for another. There are plenty of physical and aesthetic reasons to want a reduction.

When it comes to aesthetics, there is a lot to consider. Some women feel their large breasts make them top-heavy, especially if they have narrow hips and small buttocks. Other women may feel as if their breasts call attention away from other features, such as a tight, toned midsection or impressive legs.

As for physical reasons, some women suffer with pain in their back, neck and shoulders from the weight of their breasts. Others find it impossible to run or participate in sports with an ample bosom, despite good sports bras.

How to Know You’re Ready

Breast reduction is an elective surgery, meaning it is up to the patient to decide when she’s ready. Some women who develop very large breasts early in life decide to have reduction surgery as young as college. Others may decide to wait until their late twenties, to ensure their breasts have completely stopped growing.

While the decision is ultimately yours, you should be aware that breast reduction surgery will likely make future breastfeeding impossible. If you are comfortable using formula for future children or you have no plans to have children in the future, you can schedule your procedure with confidence.

Understanding the Process

Our board-certified plastic surgeon will advise you as to which procedural approach he has selected for your case. The general process, however, remains the same for nearly all patients. Any excess fat and tissue are taken away. The result will be a higher, firmer and smaller bosom.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you feel your breasts are too large and interfere with your proportions, a breast reduction surgery may be right for you. Come in for a consultation at Athena Plastic Surgery, with locations in Stuart and Palm Beach Gardens. We would be delighted to review your case and discuss your options with you. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

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