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Facelift Checklist


Board certified plastic surgeons are trained to perform facelift surgeries in residency. These are the only specialists who should even be considered to perform a facelift.

Each surgeon will also have their own particular area of expertise, experience and interest. Many plastic surgeons and facial plastic surgeons perform only very few, if any, facelifts.

As facelift surgeons, we take pride in our work and in our training. Reviewing the surgeon’s training, evaluating pre-op and post-op photos that the surgeon has performed, meeting with the surgeon and getting an understanding of the doctor’s technique, aesthetic ideals and bedside manner is important. Plastic surgery stands at the juncture of art and science, and facelift surgery is a very good example of this nexus. Each facelift is unique and has its own challenges.

Here is a brief checklist to review. Take this with you to your consultation.

1. Board certification and training
2. Surgeon’s technique
3. Location of surgery (office-based, hospital or surgery center)
4. Review pre-op and post-op photos with the surgeon
5. Discuss financing
6. Discuss pre-op and post-op instructions before the surgery with the doctor or their staff
7. Bedside manner (you will spend more time than you imagine with the doctor and his staff)
8. Office experience (are they responsive, kind, understanding?)
9. Anesthesia technique (sedation, general or awake)
10. How many facelifts the has surgeon performed (less than 10, 10-100, 100-1000)

Strange, But Fixable Things That Can Happen Post-Facelift

Hearing loss after a facelift can occur due to blood crusting in the ear canal or due to swelling of the ear canal. Notify your plastic surgeon and clean the ear with half strength hydrogen peroxide and a Q tip. If you cannot clear the debris, then a visit to your ENT doctor is recommended, where an inspection and irrigation of the ear canal can be performed to clear out the debris.

Facelift Recovery

Most of my patients are presentable at 1 week to 10 days, but have bruising and swelling at that time. By 3 weeks, patients are looking good, but still swollen. By 6 weeks, most patients look excellent. The final result is at 3 months.

There is almost zero pain associated with facelifts using my technique and patients can typically return to work normally at 7 days.

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