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Get Rid of Unwanted Belly Fat with a Tummy Tuck

tummy tuck

If you would like to have a smooth and firm abdomen and have dieted and exercised long and hard to achieve it to no effect, then a tummy tuck may be for you. A tummy tuck is a popular name that has been given to the surgical procedure officially known as abdominoplasty. It removes excess skin and fat and tightens the abdominal muscles to give you the flat stomach of your dreams.

In some cases, patients can have a normal body weight and toned muscles, but the abdomen remains protruding or sagging. This is commonly caused by pregnancy but may also be caused by aging, prior surgery, heredity and several significant fluctuations in your weight. A tummy tuck can give permanent results unless you gain and lose weight again or get pregnant.

Along with tummy tuck surgery, liposuction is often used to remove unnatural bulges on the hips to give better definition. During your consultation with Dr. Lipschitz, you can ask about the surgical procedure and if it can be combined with liposuction to help you reach your goals. There is no one-size-fits-all tummy tuck. Your goals and concerns will be unique, so we will customize the right procedure for you. We will discuss your surgical goals, your overall health any medications you are currently taking to help you decide if this is the right procedure for you.

A mini tummy tuck is less extensive surgery and may be your best option. It removes a smaller amount of excess fat and skin from a certain area and usually requires less downtime. A full tummy tuck addresses the full length of the abdominal wall. This type may give the results you want if you are struggling with more than one stubborn abdominal area.

After your procedure has been completed, you will need to rest for a few days, but you should walk around several times a day to maintain good circulation. The length of your recovery time will depend on factors such as the extent of your surgery and the type of work you typically do. Dr. Lipschitz will discuss this with you during your consultation so you know exactly what to expect.

A tummy tuck is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures available today, especially for women who have finished giving birth and breastfeeding. Men also get the benefit of tighter abs and a more attractive and healthy physique. Your clothes fit better, and you gain confidence because of your improved appearance.

At Athena Plastic Surgery, our board-certified plastic surgeon serves the West Palm Beach area with exceptional cosmetic procedures personalized for every patient. Contact us at either of our offices in Stuart or Palm Beach Gardens to schedule your consultation and learn more.

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