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Am I a Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

mommy makeover

Pregnancy is an amazing time in your life. Those nine months are filled with anticipation as you prepare to bring a new person into this world. While there is nothing better than that moment when you hold your baby in your arms, you’ll find that your body has gone through serious changes in the process. This especially holds true if you have had more than one pregnancy. With each birth, it is harder and harder to get your body to snap back to those pre-pregnancy days. Even if the weight comes off and you are back to where you want to be, your body may still show signs of pregnancy. You could be a candidate for a mommy makeover.

Is a Mommy Makeover Right for You?

A mommy makeover could be ideal for you if you find yourself struggling to take off fat deposits in your stomach or excess skin and a loosening of muscle in your abdomen that are the result of carrying a baby. Your breasts could be another area of concern. During pregnancy, your breasts become enlarged. This continues after your baby is born while you breastfeed.

Once breastfeeding is over and you lose weight, your breast size will go down to the point that you may feel that your breasts look like deflated balloons. These changes in your body cannot be corrected through exercise and diet alone. Our plastic surgeon can help you to get results with a mommy makeover.

How Does a Mommy Makeover Work?

Our plastic surgeon will evaluate your body and any areas of concern. When it comes to your breasts, breast implants or a breast lift can give your breasts a boost, enhancing your shape. When considering your abdomen, our plastic surgeon may recommend liposuction to remove stubborn fat that is resistant to exercise.

A tummy tuck can help you by tightening the muscles in your abdomen, removing any excess skin that has resulted from the stretching of your abdomen each time you have a baby, and the skin can be pulled down tight to give you a flat, smooth tummy once again.

A mommy makeover is an outpatient type of surgery that can help you to look your best after you have gone through pregnancy. If you are considering this procedure, it is recommended that you wait until you are no longer planning on having more children. Otherwise, you could find yourself in need of the procedure again. You will need to be conscientious about your eating habits and getting enough physical activity to make sure your results last.

Ask Our Plastic Surgeon About a Mommy Makeover

The best way to find out if a mommy makeover is a practical choice for you is to make an appointment at Athena Plastic Surgery, with offices in Stuart and Palm Beach Gardens. Our board-certified plastic surgeon will consider your areas of greatest concern and determine if a mommy makeover will be effective. You can ask questions and be guided through the steps of your procedure before you make your final decision.

A mommy makeover can help you to enjoy the gift of your children while you also give yourself the gift of a beautiful body. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.

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