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Am I a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty?


A rhinoplasty procedure can be cosmetic, functional or both. It can be used to improve the patient’s appearance, and it can also be used to fix defects within the nose that impair the patient’s breathing. It is also done to repair a broken nose.

During a rhinoplasty procedure, the surgeon reshapes the nose. He can straighten it, make it smaller or larger, change the tip or smooth out bumps and indentations. There are many options when it comes to this procedure.

What Does the Procedure Involve?

Rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure. The patient will be given a local or general anesthetic. The details of each procedure vary since each individual’s situation is unique; however, during a typical rhinoplasty procedure, the surgeon gains access into the underlying nose structure in order to sculpt the bone and cartilage.

After the desired changes have been made to the nose, the patient can go home on the same day. Recovery will take several weeks, but most people can return to work after about seven to ten days.

Types of Rhinoplasty

Reduction rhinoplasty is one of the more common types. During this procedure, the surgeon removes some cartilage or bone to shrink the patient’s nose.

Augmentation rhinoplasty is another common procedure. The doctor takes bone or tissue from another part of the patient’s body and uses it to make the patient’s nose bigger.

Reconstructive rhinoplasty describes procedures used to rebuild noses that have been damaged or lost to an injury or a serious illness, like cancer.

Who is a Good Candidate?

While many people want rhinoplasty, they should not undergo the procedure until their nose has stopped growing. Girls’ noses typically stop growing when they are around 14 or 15; boys’ noses stop growing a few years later. Surgeons will therefore not perform strictly cosmetic rhinoplasties on very young patients, but they will perform them to heal a broken nose or correct a physical problem, like a deviated septum.

The ideal candidate for this procedure will be in good overall health and have realistic expectations. They also want the procedure done for themselves and not because someone else is pressuring them to have it done.

Learn More During a Consultation

With locations in Palm Beach Gardens and Stuart, Athena Plastic Surgery is committed to helping patients achieve their aesthetic goals. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Avron Lipschitz to see if rhinoplasty is right for you. We proudly serve the West Palm Beach and surrounding cities. Contact us today to book your appointment to learn more.

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