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How Is a Brow Lift Done?

Are you bothered by lines and sagging on the upper part of your face? Do those signs of aging sometimes make you look angry or tired when you aren’t? It may be time for you to explore a brow lift. This treatment, one of many offered by Athena Plastic Surgery in Stuart, FL, can refresh and revitalize your appearance by softening those lines and restoring sagging features to their normal position.

How Is a Brow Lift Done?

A brow lift, also sometimes referred to as a forehead lift, is a treatment that repositions tissue, skin, and muscle on the upper face to give patients a more youthful appearance. Fat may also be removed from the top part of the face. There are several different approaches to brow lifts, which are performed on an outpatient basis using general anesthesia.

The classic approach to a lift involves an incision just behind the hairline that stretches over the top of the head. A small strip of skin is removed along this incision, allowing the top part of the face to be lifted. But many patients today enjoy great results with lifts that involve several smaller incisions made behind the hairline. Lifts that involve a series of smaller incisions are less invasive and usually result in faster recovery.

What Should I Expect After Treatment?

After your treatment, we’ll provide you with specific instructions aimed at facilitating your recovery. Your brow will be bandaged and you’ll be asked to keep your head elevated during your recovery. This will mean that you’ll need to sleep on your back, with your head elevated, for a couple of weeks. During this timeframe, you’ll also be asked to refrain from rigorous exercise.

How Long Will It Take for My Brows To Settle?

You’ll notice an improvement in the look and contour of your brow as soon as your bandages come off. But it will take several weeks for the skin and tissue in the forehead area to heal and settle. During this period, your eyebrows may appear to be elevated. Over the next six months, your body will continue to heal and your brows will settle slightly into a natural and long-term position.

How Likely Am I To Have Scarring?

Scarring is not usually something to worry about with a lift because the incisions are frequently small and behind the hairline.

Will My Results Be Permanent?

Our bodies are always changing with age, and our faces and brow will continue to evolve. But because this treatment involves the lifting and reshaping of muscle and tissue, the results will be long-lasting. Many patients enjoy their results for decades.

How Can I Tell if a Brow Lift Is Right for Me?

A forehead lift is an anti-aging treatment that revitalizes the appearance of the upper face. If you’re bothered by lines, forehead furrows, and sagging skin on the upper part of the face, this type of lift can help. A forehead lift can also restore the position of eyebrows that have begun to sag. For patients who struggle to see because of a drooping brow line, this treatment can help restore their sightline.

How Does This Differ From an Eyelid Lift?

A separate treatment called Blepharoplasty, often referred to as an eyelid lift, deals with just the eyelids. This treatment works to reduce puffiness in the lids. For some patients, a forehead lift improves the appearance of the eyes enough that Blepharoplasty becomes unnecessary. In other cases, Blepharoplasty on its own is enough to fully resolve a patient’s cosmetic concerns.

Is a Facelift Also an Option?

Facelifts lift and tighten the face overall, and they are frequently used as an anti-aging treatment. Facelifts don’t hone in on the brow area though. So if the upper face is your primary concern, a forehead lift may be the best option.

Are There Any Medical Requirements?

The ideal patient is in good physical health and doesn’t smoke. Smoking can delay recovery because it causes the blood vessels to constrict. This treatment is also not recommended for individuals who are pregnant.

At What Age Should I Have This Treatment Performed?

Because aging concerns are the primary reason patients seek this treatment, most individuals are in their fifties or older. But there is no perfect age at which to seek treatment. The right time is whenever you’re bothered by signs of aging in your upper face and are ready to take action about it.

What Benefits Does a Forehead Lift Offer?

A More Youthful Appearance

Lines and sagging in the upper face have a way of creeping up on us. They develop gradually, seemingly unnoticed at first, but over time they can take a toll on a patient’s appearance, making him or her look older than reality. One of the big advantages of a forehead lift is that it can ease those signs of aging, leaving a patient with a younger, more rested, and more alert appearance.

A Clearer Line of Vision

If your brows have drooped enough that they are starting to obstruct your vision, a forehead lift can help you see clearly again. A forehead lift can also relieve heavy skin around the eyes, which sometimes leads to eye fatigue.

Fewer Miscommunications

The brow area communicates volumes about what we’re thinking and feeling, and if you’re frequently asked why you’re tired, angry, or sad when you aren’t feeling those things, your brows may be sending the wrong signals. Having your brows raised back to their natural position can clear up those miscommunications.

More Attractive Eyes

Because it lifts the brows to reveal more of the eyes, many patients find that their eyes appear brighter and more attractive after a forehead lift. Light is better able to reach the eyes after this type of lift, and the eyes often appear better framed by the brow.

Greater Self Confidence

Most patients who have undergone this treatment feel great about themselves. They have a more youthful and refreshed appearance, and they’re able to set aside the hats and sunglasses they’ve been using to hide behind.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why Does Forehead Sagging Develop?

With age, the collagen levels in our bodies start to decline, which allows the skin to loosen. The facial expressions that we make continually, from laughing and crying to expressing shock or dismay, also begin to take a collective toll on the face and lead to lines, wrinkles and sagging.

Adhering to a healthy lifestyle, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding excessive sun exposure are all steps that support healthy skin, but it’s not possible for patients to completely ward off the aging process. That’s why forehead lifts are such a popular anti-aging treatment.

How Long Does This Treatment Take?

Most lifts take close to two hours to complete.

Will I Still Be Able To Naturally Move My Eyebrows?

Yes. This treatment won’t eliminate your ability to move your brows naturally after treatment. You’ll still have complete control your facial motions. This treatment also won’t leave you with a permanently surprised look. The results patients achieve through this treatment appear completely natural and relaxed.

Does Insurance Cover This Treatment?

It’s always worth checking with your insurance company, but most policies don’t cover forehead lifts because they are usually performed for cosmetic reasons.

How Different Will I Look After Treatment?

You won’t look radically different after a brow lift, but your forehead will be smoother, fresher, and properly contoured. You’ll appear more relaxed, refreshed, and will look as though you’ve been taking great care of yourself.  

How Can I Get Started?

If you think this type of lift could be right for you, the first step is to schedule an initial consultation at our practice. We’ll talk with you about what you’re hoping to achieve. We’ll also observe your face and review the treatment options that you’re suited for. For some patients, treatments like Botox may best help them achieve their cosmetic goals. For others, eyelid surgery may be the best route.

We address each patient as an individual, and we’ll recommend a treatment plan designed just for you.

Take the First Step Toward a New You Today

Are you ready to turn back the clock? A brow lift can reverse those signs of aging with little downtime and put you on a path toward a more youthful and energetic appearance. What are you waiting for? Call Athena Plastic Surgery, in Stuart, FL, and schedule your consultation today!

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