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How Long Does a PDO Thread Lift Last?

pdo thread lift last

Cosmetic treatments are beginning to completely disprove the age-old saying, “If it seems to be too good to be true, it probably is.” We want to introduce you to a treatment that isn’t too good to be true and does deliver amazing results. At Athena Plastic Surgery in Stuart, FL, we are proud to offer the PDO thread lift, a treatment that uses PDO threads to rejuvenate your face, make you look younger, and erase the signs of aging so that you look and feel more refreshed.

How Long Does a PDO Thread Lift Last?

When some people hear about a new PDO thread lift treatment, they can’t help but ask, “What’s the bottom line?” The bottom line always has to do with results, so you may be wondering first, if this treatment is worth it, and second, how long your results will last. This treatment is so effective because it offers both immediate and long-lasting results. The initial treatment will lift and support your skin, an effect that you’ll notice immediately after your treatment.

The treatment will also initiate some long-term results, like collagen production. These results will appear over time, so once you leave your appointment, you can rest in the fact that your results will just keep getting better over time. Within six to eight months, you’ll experience your final results. Results do vary among patients, but most people enjoy results that last for 18 months or longer.

Can I Extend My Results?

Additional maintenance treatments can extend your results and help you look and feel more youthful for even longer. Taking care of your skin and doing everything possible to keep it healthy will go a long way in extending your results as well. To extend your thread lift results, you can:


What Is a PDO Thread Lift?

A PDO thread lift is an anti-aging treatment that inserts surgical threads below the surface of the skin to stimulate collagen production and lift the skin, thereby addressing drooping, sagging skin, and wrinkles. PDO threads can create positive changes in the face by making the skin firmer, tighter, and more youthful. These threads are made of medical-grade materials and have been used in the medical world to perform surgical procedures for years.

Once injected below the surface of the skin, they will stimulate collagen production and lift the skin over time. Within six to eight months, these threads will dissolve on their own and you will be left with a more youthful appearance.

How Does It Work?

A PDO thread lift requires a clean face for treatment. Before your treatment, we’ll clean your skin and then will numb your face to ensure that you remain comfortable for the duration of the treatment. Your technician may use a special pen to mark your treatment areas to ensure that we treat every area included in your treatment plan.

Inserting the Threads

These threads are inserted with the use of a hypodermic needle just below the surface of the skin. The PDO threads are made of polydioxanone, which is a material used to perform sutures, and they come in different textures and types. During your treatment, you can lay back in a semi-reclined position and relax. Your treatment area will be numb, so you won’t feel any pain or discomfort.

Another benefit of this treatment is that you won’t experience any downtime. You can resume your daily activities and even return to work if necessary after your appointment. Our patients love this treatment because it doesn’t require a lengthy recovery period or significant downtime. All you have to do to care for your skin post-treatment is avoid stretching treatment the area for two weeks.

What Does It Treat?

Many people choose this treatment to treat their face and their neck. PDO threads can lift and create a more contoured look in the cheeks, soften crow’s feet, tone the jawline, and soften mouth lines. It can also improve the appearance of the neck and make the skin look better.

If you have loose skin or wrinkles on your face due to aging, this treatment can soften those lines and tighten your skin. Aside from treating the face, this treatment can also improve the appearance of different areas of the body. It can address loose or aging skin on the upper arms, the thighs, and the abdomen. People have used this treatment to treat the following:


Is There a Qualifying Age for Treatment?

Individuals of different ages choose this treatment to resolve some of their most pressing aging concerns. There’s no right age to schedule a PDO thread lift; if you’ve begun to see the signs of aging on your face or body and want to address them as soon as possible, you can undergo this treatment and get ahead of the aging process. If you wait too long to undergo this treatment, you won’t experience the same dramatic results that you would if you scheduled it sooner.

Will the Threads Be Noticeable?

Many people are concerned that if they undergo this treatment, their PDO threads be noticeable. While you may be able to feel them if you touch your treatment area, you won’t be able to see them. The threads will dissolve and be completely gone within six to eight months.

Is This Treatment Safe?

The medical-grade threads used during this treatment have been used in the medical world for years. Not only are they safe for use in surgical procedures, but they’re safe for use in this cosmetic treatment.

All About PDO Threads

The threads used during this effective treatment are the stars of the show. They are the reason why the treatment exists and why it works. These threads are so effective because they are dissolvable, unlike the threads that were used in the early 90s during a similar treatment that didn’t create the same kind of results.

Today’s threads are not only superior to the ones used in the past because they dissolve but also because they can create patterns to achieve certain results. The patterns that are created allow for different types of dramatic lifting effects based on the patient’s goals.

Thread Texture

PDO threads come in different textures, which allows the treatment to be customized to your needs. There are straight, smooth threads that can help with collagen production. There are threads with barbs that can hook and lift the skin, and there are screw-like threads that can increase facial volume.

Thread Quantity

The thread quantity used during treatment also plays a part in your overall outcome. Those who need more lifting can get exactly that with a greater number of threads. The thread quantity allows us to customize your treatment to address your concerns and lift and volume the face.

What Are the Benefits of a PDO Thread Lift?

This treatment provides you with a comprehensive solution to aging. It will minimize the appearance of lines and wrinkles, but that’s not all it can do. It can also lift your face, restore volume and definition, and even tighten the skin. If you have multiple signs of aging or want to get a step ahead of the aging process, this treatment can help you do just that.

Results Are Gradual

Many people want to look younger, but they don’t want to look like they got any outside help to do so. That’s the benefit of this treatment: you will look younger but won’t look like you had work done. Your results will appear over time as the threads perform their lifting and collagen-stimulating work. Everyone will notice your results. They’ll comment that you look well-rested and more youthful, but they won’t be able to tell why and will be dying to know your secret.

It Is Convenient

Many people want the results that come from a surgical face lift, but they’re not ready to commit to the price or the recovery. This thread lift takes place in the comfort of our office. It only takes one session and it doesn’t involve incisions or surgical measures. You won’t be left with scars or a long recovery. After your appointment, you can return home or run errands.

It’s Fully Customizable

The benefit of a PDO thread lift is that we can tailor it to your needs. We can adjust certain aspects of the treatment so that you get your desired results. We can use different threads to generate different results. You can also combine this treatment with other skin rejuvenating treatments like cosmetic injectables including neurotoxins and dermal fillers, as well as laser skin resurfacing treatments.

It Provides Long-Lasting Results

Another benefit that separates a PDO lift from other anti-aging treatments is its long-lasting results. When you choose anti-aging injectables to treat the signs of aging, you will get results but they won’t last as long as a thread lift. Most thread lifts last 18 months or longer, and once the effects wear off, you can schedule another treatment to maintain beautiful, youthful skin.

Am I a Candidate?

There are several factors that we will consider before confirming that this lift is a good fit for you and will help you reach all of your aesthetic goals. To determine if you are a candidate for treatment, we’ll begin by scheduling an initial consultation. During this appointment, we’ll review your goals, examine your problem areas, and discuss your health history to determine if this treatment is right for you. Some qualifiers will determine if you make a good candidate.

You Are Healthy

The best candidates for a thread lift are healthy individuals who don’t suffer from certain diseases like diabetes or autoimmune disease. Pregnant and nursing women don’t qualify for this treatment due to safety precautions.

Your Skin Is Healthy

Healthy skin is another qualifier that helps determine if you are right for this treatment. At the time of your appointment, your skin should be in good health. You shouldn’t have signs of irritation, inflammation, or sunburn.

You Have Realistic Expectations

When you walk into your appointment, your experience will be that much better if you have realistic expectations. This means that you know what to expect, you know what kind of results you will get, and you know that this treatment will make you look better but it won’t replicate a surgical facelift.

Begin Your Skin Transformation Today

You don’t have to undergo surgery to lift, tighten, and rejuvenate your skin. Thanks to all of the advancements in the cosmetic world, you can rejuvenate your skin in just one simple treatment. Contact us today at Athena Plastic Surgery in Stuart, FL to learn more about the PDO thread lift and how it can help transform your skin and your overall appearance.

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