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How Should You Get Ready for Rhinoplasty?

Are you dissatisfied with the shape, size, or appearance of your nose? Do you notice breathing difficulties or sleeping problems connected to your nose? If so, rhinoplasty is a straightforward procedure that is able to correct common cosmetic and functional concerns in your nose and deliver permanent, natural-looking results. Our team at Athena Plastic Surgery in Stuart, FL, is proud to offer you this popular aesthetic procedure along with other top-quality services. 


What Is a Rhinoplasty? 

Rhinoplasty is the medical term for a nose job. This surgery is designed to correct your nose so that it is more proportional to your face, more symmetrical and attractive, less noticeable from the front and side, and more functional for easier breathing. While not everyone needs all of these changes, this versatile surgery is an excellent option for permanently correcting even small imperfections which may affect your self-esteem and confidence in your appearance.

The procedure is performed by one of our trained and experienced doctors. Depending on the type of surgery, this procedure could take between 1-3 hours. You are able to return home after your surgery to recover in the comfort of your own home. Most patients are able to return to work in just 7-10 days.

Once your nose is healed, it is almost impossible for anyone to notice that you head surgery unless you choose to tell them. You can expect your results to be permanent, and our patients report experiencing a serious confidence boost once they attain their ideal image.

What Are the Benefits? 

Rhinoplasty is often viewed by the general public as strictly cosmetic with no functional benefits. However, while we can help you achieve your perfect nose, we can also correct breathing issues that may be concerning to you. Our patients find that a functional nose job combined with cosmetic changes enables them to sleep better, breathe more easily, and look as good as they feel.  

Your cosmetic goals can also be realized with this surgery. Our doctors can help you reduce nose size, straighten a crooked nose, correct bumps or hooks, and create your ideal results with this one simple procedure.

What Types of Nose Jobs are Available? 

There are two main nose job procedures: open or closed rhinoplasty. The procedure you have will depend on your nose type, general anatomy, and desired results.

Open Procedure

This procedure is considered more intensive. It creates incisions inside the nose as well as between your nostrils. This allows the doctor to lift your skin and make more drastic changes to the bone, cartilage, and tissue. They may shave the bone, cut away unwanted cartilage to change the shape of the nose, restructure the nasal passages to correct conditions like a deviated septum, and then close the skin with stitches to heal. This procedure is best for people who want to make significant cosmetic changes or correct structural issues within the nose itself.

Closed Procedure

For minor changes, a closed procedure might be the right option for you. This creates incisions inside the nose and makes all changes from these locations. While more limited, this procedure does eliminate exterior scars and can create noticeable changes in the shape and structure of your nose.

Which Concerns Can a Nose Job Address? 

This surgery can address a number of concerns related to your nose. Here are some of the most common issues our doctors correct during surgery:

Nose Size

One of the biggest goals of our patients is reducing their nose size. This can mean narrowing the nose to create a more delicate appearance or changing the profile of the nose by limiting its protrusion.

It can also involve removing cartilage from the end of the nose to balance your new appearance. Size reduction can completely re-balance your face and create a more symmetrical appearance from the front and side views.


Some patients experience noticeable bumps on the bridge of their nose. This concern can be addressed by shaving the bone to create a flat or concave shape, depending on your preferences.


The end of the nose can appear hooked in some patients. This can be easily addressed by removing some of the cartilage in the nose tip to create a more rounded, less noticeable shape. 


Breathing Issues

Conditions like a deviated septum can lead to challenging breathing issues. Your breathing may sound louder and more disruptive due to inhibited airflow, or you may experience restless sleep because of your breathing problem. This procedure can permanently fix these common conditions by straightening and unblocking the nasal passages.

How Does This Procedure Compare to Other Treatment Options?

For most patients, this procedure is the only truly effective way to address their cosmetic or structural concerns. Dermal fillers have become a popular option for correcting small issues without surgery.

These can be effective in some cases, and they can also be combined with surgery to enhance your results as desired. However, results from fillers are not permanent and cannot create significant changes.

Is It Possible to Correct a Previous Surgery? 

If you have had a nose job in the past, you may be wondering if a second surgery can enhance or fix your results. The answer is yes, but it can be more difficult to perform a revision surgery due to scar tissue and other common issues.

In general, our doctors are able to perform these procedures with great success. One of our doctors can examine your nose and determine whether a revision nose job is possible in your unique situation.

What Should I Expect? 

When you choose to pursue a rhinoplasty at one of our offices, our professional staff will answer any questions you may have and seek to ensure that you experience the best results possible.


During this initial appointment, you will meet with one of our doctors to discuss this surgery and evaluate your candidacy. Your doctor will examine your nose, ask you about the changes you wish to make, and recommend the best procedure type for you.

They will also ask you about your medical history and any current medications you are taking. If you are approved for this procedure, you will receive a list of instructions for how to prepare for surgery and can begin looking forward to your next appointment.


In order to get ready for your surgery, there are a few general steps we prescribe. Your specific instructions will vary based on your lifestyle and unique situation. 


Avoid Certain Medications and Habits

First, you should avoid anti-inflammatory medications and herbal supplements, which may increase your risk of bleeding. For the same reason, you must stop smoking for at least two weeks before and after your surgery.

If you are a regular smoker, talk to one of our doctors about the severe risks of smoking and consider quitting permanently for your health. Avoid sun exposure and sunburn, which could irritate the target area. Finally, avoid drinking alcohol for at least 48 hours before your surgery.

Fill Prescriptions

Your doctor may request that you stop taking some medications before surgery. For all other normal medications, make sure your prescription is filled before you take time off to recover. In addition, fill any prescription for pain relievers which your doctor may prescribe before your surgery.

Prepare Your Home

At home, make sure you have a comfortable place to rest and recover. Get your favorite books, magazines, shows, and games ready to help keep you busy while your body heals.

In addition, make sure you have supplies to aid your recovery on hand. These include a nasal spray, ointment to apply to your nose after surgery, and plenty of food and snacks for at least the week after your surgery.

Take Care of Your Responsibilities

Once you schedule your surgery, request time off from work. Your doctor can give you a better idea of how long you will need to heal, but most patients take 5-7 days off. You should pay all of your bills and arrange for childcare and pet care. Finally, ask a friend or family member to drive you home from your appointment and stay with you for the first 24 hours.


On the day of your surgery, you will be given general anesthesia and remain asleep for the duration of the procedure. Your doctor will make the predetermined incisions and reshape your nose according to your desired image.

They will close the skin with small stitches and apply a protective dressing and a stint if needed. They may also block your nasal passages with sterilized cotton to absorb any moisture. Once you are awake, you can return home to begin the healing process.


For the first 2-3 days, you should plan on resting and taking short walks to encourage regular circulation throughout your body. You will experience some tenderness and swelling in the affected area, which can be managed with your prescribed medication.

You can clean your nose gently with a Q-tip, but avoid wetting it until your doctor gives you permission. Use the nasal spray to help relieve discomfort as needed, and sleep with your head elevated to ensure your comfort.

Avoid strenuous activity for at least 2-3 weeks. Once your dressing is removed, you can keep your nose moisturized with ointment. However, you should avoid touching it as much as possible as it heals. Swelling should subside within the first few weeks, and most patients return to work in just 7-10 days.


You should notice that your nose more closely matches your ideal image. This can include a smaller size, a different shape, or less cartilage in certain areas. In addition, you should notice a definite improvement in breathing concerns if your procedure corrected a structural issue.

Once they are visible, your results are permanent. Any exterior scar is discreetly hidden under the nose between the nostrils, and interior scars are invisible inside the nasal passages. These scars will fade over a year and tend to become even lighter as time progresses.

Am I an Ideal Candidate?

If you are a man or woman who is unhappy with some aspect of your nose and wants to see a permanent change, you could be an ideal candidate for this surgery. There is no age limit for this surgery–as long as we determine that your nose has reached its full size, you can be considered for this procedure.

A good candidate has reasonable, informed expectations about what this surgery can achieve and has no medical conditions which would interact negatively with the procedure itself. If you have questions, one of our doctors would be happy to speak with you in more detail to determine your candidacy.

Contact Us to Learn More! 

If you’re ready to learn more about how rhinoplasty can help you achieve your aesthetic goals, contact us at Athena Plastic Surgery in Stuart and Palm Beach Gardens, FL, to schedule an initial consultation today! We look forward to serving you.

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