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Improve Drooping Eyelids with Eyelid Surgery

eyelid surgery

One thing that commonly happens with age that has an impact on a person’s appearance is the development of drooping eyelids. While the condition is mostly cosmetic, in some cases, it can interfere with vision too. For these reasons, many people elect to have a procedure called blepharoplasty done to fix the eyelids. Blepharoplasty is the medical term for eyelid surgery.

As you age, your eyelids can begin to stretch. This happens because the skin naturally loses some elasticity with age. In the case of the eyelids, this is compounded by the fact that the muscles also weaken and are no longer able to hold the eyelids in place like they once did. The constant pull of gravity can cause the upper eyelids to fall over the upper part of the eyeball. In can also pull the lower eyelids away from the eye, exposing more of the white part of the eye. As if that wasn’t enough, the membrane that holds the fat around the eyes weakens with age. This encourages the fat to come forward and gather in the eyelids.

When drooping eyelids begin to interfere with vision, it typically begins with the side vision, but it can also interfere with the ability to look up. This can not only be frustrating and inconvenient, but it can also be dangerous. For example, the reduction in the side, or peripheral, vision can put you in harm’s way while driving.

Eyelid surgery is something you might want to consider if you are having functional issues with drooping eyelids. You might also consider it if you simply want to look younger and more refreshed.

The details of each eyelid surgery vary from patient to patient, since each individual is unique. However, during a typical procedure, excess skin, fat and sometimes muscle are removed. The remaining tissue is then tightened to give the patient a younger appearance.

If you think you could benefit from eyelid surgery, either to improve your appearance or to stop your drooping eyelids from interfering with your vision, you should consult with our team at Athena Plastic Surgery. Dr. Lipschitz, our board-certified plastic surgeon, can evaluate your condition and see if the procedure is right for you. His offices are located in Stuart and Palm Beach Gardens, and he gladly serves clients in the West Palm Beach and surrounding cities. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for eyelid surgery.

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