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Is Otoplasty Permanent?

is otoplasty permanent

Having disproportionately large ears or ears that protrude too far out from the sides of your head can prevent you from feeling satisfied and happy about your appearance. When you were a child, you might have dealt with bullies and peers who made fun of your ears. As an adult, you might try to cover your ears with long hair and hats. At Athena Plastic Surgery in Stuart, FL, we can enhance your self-esteem by using an otoplasty to improve your ears. Let see if Otoplasty permanent to treat yours ears.

Is Otoplasty Permanent?

An otoplasty is a type of aesthetic procedure that is used to change the appearance of your ears. This technique is frequently used to correct the appearance of ears that stick out too far from the sides of the head. This procedure can also be used to decrease the size of large ears and improve the structure of misshapen ears.

Permanent Results

This procedure usually creates permanent changes in your ears. If you follow our instructions after you get this procedure, your ears should maintain their new appearance for the rest of your life. Accordingly, this cosmetic technique is an excellent way to fix your ears in an efficient, cost-effective manner.

Your Recovery Process

Although your results will be permanent, you should be aware that it may take some time to see the final benefits of your procedure. For example, if you used this procedure to move your ears closer to the sides of your head, your ears might relax slightly while your body is recovering.

To ensure that you achieve your aesthetic goals, we may overcorrect your ears by moving them very close to the sides of your head. As your ears begin to relax, they will move into an attractive, balanced position.

How Will I Begin the Process of Improving My Ears?

You will begin the processing of changing your ears by having a personalized consultation with us. When you arrive at our office in Stuart, we will carefully examine your ears. We will also discuss the size, position, and other aspects of your ears. To help us determine the changes that you would like to see in your ears, you could bring photographs of friends or famous people whose ears you admire.

After we have finished looking at your ears, we will let you know if you can benefit from this procedure. At this point, you can also ask us questions about the length, cost, and other aspects of your procedure. If you are interested in using this technique to alter your ears, we can schedule your procedure at this point.

What Should I Expect During My Ear Procedure?

You may receive local or general anesthesia during this procedure. The type of anesthesia that you need will depend on the changes that we are making to your ears.

Beginning Your Procedure

We may begin the process of improving your appearance by placing incisions into the back of your ears. Alternatively, we can put your incisions into natural folds in the skin on your ears. Putting your incisions into these locations will diminish your chance of developing visible scars on your ears.

Repositioning or Reshaping Your Ears

Next, we may change the shape or size of your ears by removing skin and cartilage from this part of your body. In addition, we may use sutures to move your ears closer to the sides of your head. It is likely to take us about two to three hours to complete your ear procedure.

How Long Will My Ears Take To Recover From This Procedure?

This is a fairly straightforward procedure with a minimal recovery period. Although your ears will heal at a unique rate, you should expect to go back to your job within a couple of days. To ensure that you achieve optimal results from this procedure, you will need to protect your ears during the healing process. We will give you detailed instructions and rules to follow while your ears are healing.

Protecting Your Ears

After we finish improving your ears, we may put bandages onto your head. These bandages will protect your incisions while your tissues are healing. After your bandages come off, you may need to wear a headband for a few weeks.

Adjusting Your Behavior

We may also advise you to sleep on pillows for a while. Keeping your head elevated will prevent you from putting unneeded pressure on your ears during the night. In addition, we may prescribe medication that will enable you to feel at ease during the initial days of your recovery period.

When Will I See the Final Changes in My Ears?

You will usually be able to see positive changes in your ears within about one to two weeks. After about six weeks, your ears should be mostly healed, and you will be able to see most of the benefits of your procedure. You can expect your ears to completely heal within about three months. At this point, you should see the final impact of your otoplasty.

Will My Health Insurance Cover the Cost of Improving My Ears?

In many cases, this procedure is used to change the appearance of protruding or large ears. The techniques used during this type of procedure are not designed to improve your hearing ability or change the functionality of your ears. If your procedure is designed to achieve purely aesthetic objectives, your medical insurance is unlikely to pay for you to enhance your ears.

This procedure is sometimes used to improve an abnormality or to enhance your hearing ability. For example, this procedure might be used to reconstruct ears that were injured in a car accident. If you are receiving this procedure for medical reasons, your health insurance may pay for your procedure.

Can I Use This Technique To Change the Appearance of One of My Ears?

There are a number of reasons why you might want to change the appearance of one of your ears. For example, you might have an abnormality in the lobe of one ear. Alternatively, you might feel that one of your ears protrudes too far from your head.

Examining Your Ears

During your initial meeting, we will carefully look at the position and structure of both of your ears. Under some circumstances, we may decide that we only need to correct the shape or position of one ear.

Performing Your Procedure

Alternatively, we may decide to improve both of your ears. Even if you believe that only one of your ears needs to be improved, a careful examination may indicate that both of your ears protrude too far from your head. Accordingly, we might achieve more comprehensive improvements in your appearance if we change the position of both ears.

Can This Procedure Correct Asymmetrical Ears?

This procedure is a great way to make asymmetrical ears look balanced and proportionate. During your procedure, we can use special techniques to make the shape and size of your ears more similar. In addition, we can move your ears into balanced positions on your head.

Although this procedure will improve the appearance of asymmetrical ears, you need to understand that we may not be able to make your ears look perfectly symmetrical. However, it’s very common to have small asymmetries between your ears. After we have enhanced your ears, your friends, relatives, and other acquaintances will be unlikely to notice any minor differences between your ears.

Can I Receive This Procedure if I Am an Adult?

Many children are born with ears that are large or overly prominent. When these children start going to school, their peers might tease them and make fun of their disproportionate ears. To maintain their children’s self-esteem, parents frequently pay for their children to have their ears corrected with cosmetic procedures. Children are likely to receive this procedure when they are over the age of five.

Although this technique can be used to improve children’s ears, you don’t have to be a child to benefit from this procedure. This aesthetic technique can also permanently change the appearance of adult ears. If your ears have bothered you for a long time, you should consider getting this procedure.

Can I Use Aesthetic Procedures To Change Other Aspects of My Appearance?

We can use aesthetic procedures to improve your face, eyelids, and other parts of your body.

A Facelift and Neck Lift

A facelift is a cosmetic procedure that is used to correct wrinkles and loose skin on your face. A neck lift can remove loose skin from your neck and minimize a double chin. Receiving both of these procedures at the same time can be an excellent way to look youthful, fresh, and attractive. The improvements in your double chin, wrinkles, and other issues are likely to last for a long time.

You should plan to spend about 10 to 14 days at home while you are recovering from these procedures. We will usually remove your stitches within one week.

A Blepharoplasty

A blepharoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that is used to correct puffy or droopy eyelids. We can also use this procedure to fix sagging skin that is causing you to experience vision issues, as well as congenital disorders that affect your eyelids.

It’s common to receive this eyelid procedure after you are over 35. At this point in your life, the delicate skin on your eyelids is likely to wrinkle and sag. Depending on the issues that you would like to address, we may make incisions in the folds and creases of your upper or lower eyelids. These creases will allow us to fix loose skin, bags, and other cosmetic problems.


A rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that will alter the shape, size, or structure of your nose. We can use this cosmetic procedure to improve your breathing, fix nasal issues that you developed during an accident or injury, and improve a deviated septum. We can also alter the appearance of the tip of your nose and minimize bumps on your nose.

We will usually begin your rhinoplasty by making incisions within your nostrils. These incisions will allow us to improve the cartilage and bone in your nose. You can expect to go back to your job and other activities about seven to 10 days after your rhinoplasty is complete. It’s normal to see the final impact of this procedure within one year.

Transform Your Ears

Your ears are very prominent and noticeable. As a result, cosmetic issues that affect this part of your body can harm your self-esteem and prevent you from feeling confident and beautiful. Fortunately, an otoplasty is a quick, outpatient procedure that can be used to create permanent changes in your ears. If you are interested in improving this part of your body, you should contact us at Athena Plastic Surgery in Stuart, FL to set up an initial meeting.

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