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Kybella vs Neck Liposuction vs Neck Lift

Neck Lift vs Kybella

Today patients have the option of several modalities which can treat contour problems of the neck.

In general, I divide these modalities into invasive and non-invasive procedures. Starting with the least invasive treatment patients have the option of using non-invasive radio frequency treatment of the neck to tighten skin. The device commonly used in our office is Endymed. The benefits of Endymed include skin tightening with a non-invasive technique that can be used in the office based setting. However, fat is not treated using this modality of Skin tightening. Another form of neck contouring is Kybella, but we prefer other treatments because of the results that they can provide.

A third treatment option is liposuction and laser liposuction. This treatment is excellent for contouring submental fullness however it does require a small incision and treatment of the submental fat as well as skin can be accomplished using both modalities. Finally, to treat more significant skin and fat excess a neck lift can be performed.

A neck lift treats skin fat and muscle and is the most powerful neck contouring technique available. To decide which of these treatments is best for the patient, please call our office at 772-324-8197 and make an appointment to see Dr. Avron Lipschitz.

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