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Liposuction vs. Tummy Tuck in West Palm Beach

West Palm Beach

Even though liposuction procedures and tummy tucks can both be carried out on the midsection, these two surgeries are actually quite different. As a general rule, liposuction procedures are a better option for those who want to get rid of excess fat while tummy tucks are designed to remove excess skin. If you’re considering lipo and/or a tummy tuck in the West Palm Beach area, there are some things to consider while deciding which procedure is best for you.

A Closer Look at Liposuction

Liposuction can be very effective, and over 200,000 of these procedures are carried out every year. The primary goal of this procedure is to excise a relatively small pocket of localized body fat that isn’t responding to healthy lifestyle habits. Liposuction can now be carried out almost anywhere on the body, but most patients have fat removed from the legs, buttocks, and midsection.

The Basics of a Tummy Tuck

Also referred to as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is a popular procedure that is designed to remove excess skin just below the belly button. Unlike liposuction, tummy tucks rarely involve any fatty tissue removal. However, fat may be removed during the procedure. While some of the underlying muscles can also be adjusted, the primary goal is to flatten the midsection by excising loose skin. One of the great things about lipo and tummy tuck procedures is that they can be combined for even better results.

Deciding Which Procedure is Right for You

Every single patient in West Palm Beach has their own unique needs, and that means there isn’t a single procedure that will work for everyone. In order to achieve your cosmetic goals, we can help you come up with a personalized treatment plan that is going to leave you looking better than ever. In some cases, we might even suggest combining these two treatments to completely revitalize your appearance. If you would like to learn more about the details of these two procedures, make an appointment at Athena Plastic Surgery, with locations in Stuart and Palm Beach Gardens. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

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