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Look Years Younger with an Eyelid Lift

eyelid lift

If you compare a recent picture of yourself with one from years ago, you could notice some common signs of aging. One of them may be sagging eyelids. If so, you might want to consider an eyelid lift so that you can look years younger. Given the amount of eye contact you make with other people on a daily basis, the sections around your eyes are likely to be among the first things others notice about you. Consequently, an eyelid lift might be a logical place to start in order to achieve a younger look.

There are a number of factors that play a role in drooping eyelids. Loose skin is one of them. As you age, your skin will naturally loosen as the collagen levels drop. It is the substance that provides fullness and keeps the skin firm and tight. Your body will not produce it at the same rate as you age.

Weakening of the muscles can also contribute to drooping eyelids. Over time, the muscles that work the eyelids can become weaker. This makes it more difficult for them to hold the eyelids completely open as the pull of gravity acts upon them. As a result, the upper eyelids can fall down over the eye further than normal.

Fatty tissue that has moved into the eyelids is another contributor to drooping eyelids. There is a layer of fat between the eyes and the skull. It is there to provide padding between the two. It can start to move forward into the eyelids when, over time, the membrane that holds it into place starts to weaken. The tissue will make the eyelids heavier. It will also make them appear puffy.

During an eyelid lift, our surgeon can remove excess skin and pull the remaining skin tight. He may also remove some muscle and fatty tissue as well. Whether or not this is necessary will be determined during an initial consultation at our office.

An eyelid lift can, at times, improve the range of vision as well. If the eyelids droop far enough, they can become an obstruction that actually makes some tasks dangerous. One example is driving. In these situations, an eyelid lift may be necessary for more reasons than improving the appearance.

Eyelid surgery can be performed on both the upper and lower eyelids. Or it can be performed on just the upper or lower eyelid, depending on the situation. When the lower eyelids droop, they can actually be pulled away from the eye. This will expose more of the white part of the lower eye than normal.

Whether you want to rejuvenate your appearance or improve your vision, an eyelid lift performed by Dr. Avron Lipschitz at Athena Plastic Surgery may work for you. We proudly serve men and women in the West Palm Beach and surrounding areas. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our office in Stuart or Palm Beach Gardens.

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