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Reaping the Benefits of an Eyelid Lift in West Palm Beach, FL

eyelid lift

If baggy eyelids are getting you down, there’s a simple solution. Similar to a facelift but on a much smaller scale, an eyelid lift can smooth away those lid wrinkles and eliminate sags below the lower lid. Our surgical procedure is available to anyone living in and around the West Palm Beach area, and we offer complete consultation services for those who aren’t familiar with this popular procedure for age-related eyelid drooping.

What Does It Treat?

The eyelid skin is very thin, so if fat buildup in the lower lid is causing a drooping effect, we can suggest a simple, long-term fix. If the upper lids are also sagging or if they show horizontally developed fine lines, we can improve this as well. Your eyes make a first impression on everyone you come into contact with, so why not regain that youthful appearance you had when you were younger?

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, can help improve the appearance of the eyes themselves. Drooping lids cause a shadowing effect, and this can make the individual look tired or disinterested. Fatty deposits underneath the skin can create puffiness to the lids. Drooping lower lids can also reveal too much of the eyeball, and this added measure of white can really look strange. The lower edge of the upper eyelid, from where the lashes grow, can lower and sag in such a way as to impair vision. An eyelid lift can correct all of these problems.

The Surgical Procedure

Preparing for the surgery typically doesn’t involve much on the part of the client. We look closely at the shape of the lids, the thickness of the skin, and the areas near the lid borders to see where natural creases exist. This allows us to determine the best course of action for the surgery.

Some of the results of the surgery are immediately noticeable. The eyes will exhibit a more youthful posture. We can customize the surgery to accommodate for differences in the amount of sagging or wrinkling on the right and left eyelids.

Enjoy the Benefits of an Eyelid Lift

An eyelid lift is more simple to perform than you might think, and the positive results can last for many years. Athena Plastic Surgery has locations in Stuart and Palm Beach Gardens, and we proudly serve the West Palm Beach area. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

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