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Reasons Why You Might Need Breast Implant Revision

Breast Implant Revision

Breast augmentation has helped improve the bodies and lives of millions of women around the world. While breast augmentation usually provides excellent long-term results, there is a small chance that a problem may arise in the future. Luckily, every potential issue can easily be fixed. This is done by reopening the original incision and correcting any problem during a breast implant revision procedure. These are the most common reasons why you might need to undergo a breast implant revision surgery.

Painful Scar Tissue

The body will naturally form some scar tissue around the implant after your initial augmentation procedure. The scar tissue is supposed to stop forming after the body is fully healed, but that does not always happen. If the scar tissue becomes hard and thick around the implant, then you may experience pain in the area. This is known as capsular contracture.

Drooping Breasts

The point of getting implants is to have perky breasts. Unfortunately, some breast augmentation patients see their breasts drop considerably after the surgery. In addition to the drooping, it will also look like your nipples are far too high on the chest. This usually occurs when the breast pocket holding your implant is too large.

Changing Implant Size

There may come a time when you want to change the size of your implants. This is easily achievable with a breast implant revision procedure. The surgeon will simply need to replace your old implants and add the new ones. You will be able to increase or decrease your breast size without any complications.

Ruptured or Deflated Implanted

While breast implants are made from extremely durable materials, they can still rupture or deflate. There are no health risks associated with a leaking implant, but the problem still needs to be quickly corrected. You do not want to walk around for very long with an uneven chest. This may be the easiest issue to correct with breast implant revision.

Skin Rippling

The skin tissue on the breast helps disguise the fact that you have implants. If there is not enough skin around the implant, then you will start to notice rippling. This usually only occurs in very thin patients. Since rippling makes it impossible to look your best, most people opt to get it corrected with a breast implant revision. The surgeon will have to move the implant to a location with more tissue.

If you are in need of a revision surgery, you can start loving your body again by scheduling your breast implant revision procedure with the team at Athena Plastic Surgery in Stuart and Palm Beach Gardens, FL. We also serve residents in West Palm Beach. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

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