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Restylane Silk In Stuart & Palm City, FL

Restylane Silk

Are you unhappy with the current appearance of your lips? Many people are interested in fuller, luscious lips. However, the means of achieving them are not always suitable for everyone’s preferences and lifestyles. If you are seeking a method of non-surgical lip augmentation, consider Restylane Silk! This injectable treatment can effectively be used for a variety of aesthetic concerns related to the lips. Explore the possibilities during a consultation with our team at Athena Plastic Surgery in Stuart, FL!

What Is Restylane Silk?

Restylane Silk® is the first FDA-approved dermal filler specifically created as a means of non-surgical lip augmentation! This minimally invasive treatment allows for targeted volume increases.

Restylane Silk may be used to:

Restylane Silk is formulated with synthetic hyaluronic acid (HA). HA is produced by your body to provide tissues with support and structure. However, this particular dermal filler is specially formulated with smaller particles of HA. This promotes smoother results.

What Could I Expect from Non-Surgical Lip Augmentation?

Restylane Silk injections are carefully administered in the comfort of our Stuart office. Injections are made in specific areas of concern of the lips to achieve a more balanced, pleasing shape. Although there is minimal discomfort associated with the process, you may experience some pinching at the injection site.

You should be able to return to your everyday activities after treatment, and treatment sessions are often short. However, you may notice some minor swelling or bruising in the treatment area.

Results achieved with Restylane Silk will be unique to each person. They will depend on the natural size and shape of lips as well as the goals for treatment. However, most people enjoy an immediate increase in volume that gradually improves. Results may be enjoyed for up to six months, but a regular series of treatments may promote and preserve the best results.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Are you frustrated with the natural size or shape of your lips? Restylane Silk may be for you! This non-surgical alternative is suitable for most generally healthy adults seeking a way to improve the size or shape of the lips.

A consultation with our team in Florida can help determine if this method of non-surgical lip augmentation is a good fit for you and your goals. They can help you develop your custom treatment plan to achieve and maintain the best results.

Schedule Your Consultation!

Interested in enhancing the appearance of your lips? Contact us today at Athena Plastic Surgery and schedule your consultation to learn more about the benefits of Restylane Silk! Our team of professionals serves Florida in Stuart. We look forward to helping you better understand your aesthetic options!

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