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Tighten Sagging Skin with a Tummy Tuck

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When you look at your profile in the mirror, you are primarily happy with what you see. You have fit legs and toned arms, and your clothes fit nicely. However, when you look at the middle of your body, you see a pouch where your flat stomach used to be.

Some people just carry their extra weight in their stomach. Some people say that everything they eat goes straight to their thighs, and others see the pounds add up in the belly areas. Also, some people do lose a massive amount of weight, and once they do so, they have skin that sags. The stomach is one of the areas where the skin sags. Furthermore, when women are pregnant, they often put on the most weight in their stomachs. After they give birth, they may have extra skin that is sagging, or they may have trouble losing weight in that area. A tummy tuck can help tighten sagging skin in your midsection and restore smoother contours.

More Confidence in Yourself
Perhaps you have some relatives and friends telling you that you don’t need a tummy tuck because they think that you look great the way that you are. While hearing such praise from loved ones is nice, you also need to feel confident in yourself. Once you have the tummy tuck procedure, you could feel as though your stomach fits in with the rest of your body. You can proudly wear that new little black dress that you bought to your reunion next month, or you can show off your curves in a bikini at the beach.

A Better You

Developing confidence after a tummy tuck is not just about your physical appearance. When your body feels good, you probably also feel better mentally and emotionally as well. For example, you may lack the confidence to dance with your friends at the club because you don’t like how your stomach looks, or you may find that you are constantly holding a folder in front of your stomach when you are teaching or presenting at work. Opting for the tummy tuck helps you to conquer these battles and live a happy life.

Clothes that Fit

You may also feel frustrated because your clothes fit in all areas except for your stomach. In fact, you may feel that you spend a tremendous amount of time pulling down your shirts and lying on the bed desperately trying to zipper up your jeans. You’ve tried going up a size in clothes. While the clothes do fit around your stomach area, they are quite large everywhere else. After you get the tummy tuck, you can regain those smooth and polished lines you used to see.

When you opt for a tummy tuck, you are saying yes to an improvement in your physical appearance. However, you are also allowing yourself to begin taking pride in your clothes and your confidence again. At Athena Plastic Surgery, Dr. Avron Lipschitz works with each patient individually to determine the most appropriate treatment for his or her needs. Contact Athena Plastic Surgery today to schedule your consultation.

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