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What is a Photofacial?


If you are want to reduce those lines and wrinkles that are developing on your face, a photofacial may be right for you. It is a non-invasive therapy that can lighten sun spots, age spots, reduce redness and more in a short treatment time. Everyone wants to maintain healthy skin and minimize facial imperfections. With this treatment, you can!

A photofacial uses intense pulsed light through a handheld device to bring about a younger look to the skin. In addition to the reduction of lines and wrinkles, these treatments can help to diminish broken capillaries that can become visible through the skin. Brown spots on the skin can also be removed, as well as facial redness.

Lines and wrinkles develop when the skin does not contain sufficient levels of collagen to keep it tight. Collagen is a protein that is naturally produced by the body and is located in the lower layers of skin. When the level of collagen becomes lower, as it does with age, the skin will lose fullness and tightness. Loose skin means lines and wrinkles will develop.

Increasing collagen levels will return the skin to a higher level of tightness and fullness. This will make the lines and wrinkles disappear. Photofacials do this by directing heat toward the dermis. The heat is what causes the skin to produce more collagen. Results are not immediate. The collagen begins to grow right away but takes several months to reach its peak. The improvement is gradual, but some degree of skin tightening takes place immediately as the skin reacts to the energy from the treatment.

Brown spots can also be removed with photofacial therapy. They are caused by the buildup of melanin in the skin. The light pulses from the therapy will help to break up this concentrated melanin. When it does, the spots will begin to dry up and flake off over the course of the following days.

Photofacials can also help with appearance problems that are caused by blood vessels near the skin’s surface. At times, these vessels become visible when the blood is not flowing through them as it should. They become larger and, therefore, visible. The heat from the treatments is what makes them go away. Facial redness is helped in a similar manner.

To find out how you can benefit from a photofacial, you can set up a consultation at Athena Plastic Surgery. Our offices are located in Stuart and Palm Beach Gardens. We also happily serve clients in West Palm Beach and the surrounding areas. Contact us today to book an appointment!

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