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What Is the Best Age for a Mommy Makeover?


Having children is one of the most rewarding things you can do, but it is tough on the body. Women often experience issues such as sagging skin in the abdominal region, stubborn pockets of fat, and changes to their breasts after childbirth. Here at Athena Plastic Surgery in Stuart, FL, we can help you regain your youthful shape with a mommy makeover.

But what is the best age for this kind of treatment? The answer is that it all depends on your lifestyle, your goals, and your medical history. While many women are ready for their makeover in their mid to late 30s, others prefer to wait a bit longer. Today, we’ll have a look at what the various age groups can expect from their session at the clinic and which treatments are included in the makeover.

What Is the Best Age for a Mommy Makeover?

Because every patient is different, there isn’t a clear answer to this question. When you come to the clinic, Dr. Lipschitz will speak to you about your cosmetic concerns and what you hope to achieve, then he will help you decide whether now is the right time for a makeover. The most important factor to consider is whether you would like to have more children in the future.

You shouldn’t get treated at the clinic until you’re sure that you’re done having kids, since another pregnancy could affect or even reverse your results. Some people have their children early on in life, and they are certain that they don’t want to fall pregnant again in their 30s. However, other women haven’t decided yet, and they might want to have another baby in their late 30s or early 40s. The latter group shouldn’t have their makeover until they are aged 45+.

In Your 30s

In recent years, the average age of first-time mothers has increased drastically. Many women are now waiting to have children until they have completed their higher education and are well-established in their careers. Despite this, there are millions of parents in their mid and late 20s. If you’re in your 30s and you’re sure that you wouldn’t like to have more children, you should come to the clinic and speak to Dr. Lipschitz.

Because your tissue is still quite youthful in your 30s, you won’t require as much mommy makeover treatment as older people. Thus, this age could be the perfect time for your makeover. During your consultations at the clinic, your surgeon will speak to you about how you can maintain your results in the decades to come. Depending on your current lifestyle habits, you might need to increase your levels of exercise and improve your diet for optimal long-term results.

In Your 40s or 50s

As mentioned, more and more women are having children later, and it’s not uncommon for mothers to be in their late 30s or early 40s when their baby is born. That’s why many of the people who come to see us for their mommy makeover are now in the 40+ age group. No matter if you’ve just had your last child or you’ve waited until your children are a little older, you’re welcome to seek out treatment at the clinic.

Typically, people in their 40s and 50s are still in good health, but they are already experiencing significant signs of aging. Your tissues might be looser, and you may find it harder to lose weight than when you were younger. A makeover targeting your abdominal area, your breasts, and other areas where you’re experiencing sagging skin or excess fat can boost your confidence and help you regain your youthful body shape.

In Your 60s and Beyond 

Sometimes, patients in their 60s and beyond get in touch with us and request one or more of the mommy makeover treatments we offer. In many cases, getting cosmetic surgery is still possible at that age. In fact, our treatments are a great way for you to increase your enjoyment of your golden years and get ready for retirement. Now, you finally have time to fully focus on yourself.

Because many patients in their 60s and 70s have underlying health conditions, we have to be more careful when treating them. Dr. Lipschitz will ask you to bring a comprehensive medical record and a list of the medications you currently take, so he can assess whether you are a good candidate. If you have a condition that prevents you from having cosmetic surgery, he might recommend less invasive options such as injectables.

What Treatments Are Included?

Now you know who can benefit from a post-pregnancy makeover, you might wonder what the individual treatments are. Usually, the three procedures are the tummy tuck, breast lift, and liposuction. All of them can target mothers’ most common problem areas, and they can effectively reconstruct the patient’s previous body shape.

However, each person is different, and we will tailor the treatment to their needs. If you like the shape and size of your breasts but are worried about your tummy, we can focus all our efforts on this concern. People who would also like to address other areas, such as the face and the neck, can speak to the surgeon about additional treatments.

The Tummy Tuck 

After pregnancy, the tissue in the abdominal area often looks different. You might suffer from loose sections of skin or excess fat that you can’t get rid of with diet and exercise. The tummy tuck is the perfect procedure to address these problems.

It is a simple surgery, during which your doctor resculpts your muscles and removes any excess skin and fat. If you opt for a full tummy tuck, your bellybutton will be moved, but a mini tummy tuck is a less comprehensive option that mainly addresses the lower abdominal area.

The Breast Lift 

One of the most common cosmetic issues women face is sagging breasts. This can affect anyone, but it is most common in people who have larger than average breasts. During a breast lift, your surgeon removes excess skin, tightens the tissue, and repositions your nipple so that it sits higher on your chest.

If necessary, your surgeon can also add an implant at the same time, thus augmenting the size of your breasts. While general anesthesia might be required, the treatment is relatively quick and only takes around three hours. Often, women can leave the clinic the same day and recover at home.


Liposuction is a great way of getting rid of those stubborn pockets of fat that can’t be removed with holistic measures such as diet and exercise. You can have fat removed from your abdomen, your legs, your arms, the sides of your body, your back, and even your face. Depending on your needs, this treatment can be combined with other methods such as the above-named breast lift and tummy tuck.

Liposuction isn’t designed as a weight-loss treatment, so you’ll only be eligible if you’re already close to your target weight. It usually involves local or general anesthesia, but most patients don’t need to remain at the hospital and can instead return home on the same day.

Individualized Treatments 

Every makeover is different, and we will ask you about your desired results before creating a treatment plan. Most commonly, mothers would like to change the shape of their tummy and breasts, but some patients come to us with other concerns.

For instance, you can add a facelift or neck lift to your other cosmetic surgeries. Alternatively, you can choose some of our minimally invasive treatments, which include injectables like Botox or Juvederm, to augment your results. Since we offer a wide variety of options, you’re sure to find exactly what you’re looking for.

Regain Your Youthful Shape Now 

Pregnancy and childbirth can have a drastic effect on how your body looks and feels. If you’re worried about wrinkling or sagging skin, excess pockets of fat, or a change in your body shape, you shouldn’t hesitate to get in touch with your local plastic surgeon. They can help you decide whether now is the right time for a mommy makeover, a series of procedures that target the abdominal area and the breasts.

While some people who had their children early are ready for this treatment in their 30s, other women wait until they are older. If you’re in good general health, there’s no reason why you can’t participate in cosmetic treatments, no matter your age. Call or email us now at Athena Plastic Surgery in Stuart, FL to book your initial consultation with Dr. Lipschitz. He will be happy to tell you more and select the best treatments for you.

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