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What Should You Expect From a Facelift?

At Athena Plastic Surgery in Stuart, FL, we know that the signs of aging can advance to the point that they begin to affect not just your appearance but your confidence. If you feel disheartened by how aging has changed your appearance, we can help restore your younger-looking self with a facelift. This procedure can do wonders for your confidence, erase the signs of aging, and completely turn back the clock so that you can look as young as you feel.

What Should You Expect From a Facelift?

Once you commit to this process and undergo the surgery, you can expect some incredible, natural-looking results. The procedure will reverse the signs of aging that have begun to affect your face and simply can no longer be improved with non-invasive techniques like fillers, Botox, or other anti-aging treatments. Specifically, you can expect this treatment to:

This procedure will deliver some immediate, noticeable results, but it will take some time for your body to heal after the procedure is over. Once your recovery is complete, you will be able to enjoy a younger-looking appearance. It’s important to note that this procedure is not designed to make you look like a different person. Instead, it is designed to restore your natural appearance by reversing the signs of aging and addressing them at their source.

How Long Will the Results Last?

Once you undergo this procedure, you can expect long-lasting results. This procedure is designed to address the way aging has affected your appearance, correct skin laxity, wrinkles, facial folds, and volume loss, but it will not stop the aging process. Most patients can enjoy results for ten years or longer based on the rate at which their body ages, their lifestyle habits, and their genetic predisposition.

There are other treatments that can be performed in the years following your procedure to help you maintain results long-term. We will develop a comprehensive treatment plan that helps you maintain your results as long as possible and enjoy a lifted, more youthful version of yourself.

What Is a Facelift?

This procedure is a classic anti-aging cosmetic procedure that has been around for decades, and thanks to cosmetic advancements, it just keeps getting better. It is a procedure that specifically addresses aging at its source. It doesn’t use any techniques to fill, freeze, or laser away the signs of aging but instead lifts the face, restores youthful contours, and removes excess, loose skin to address skin laxity, hollow areas, and the different types of wrinkles.

The face shows the signs of aging more than any other body area because it is front and forward and is constantly exposed to the elements. The face is where we express emotions, which does eventually tax the skin as it ages. Some of the most common signs of aging that this procedure addresses include: wrinkles, jowls, lines, folds, age spots, and loose skin.

Customizing Your Procedure

This procedure can be customized to meet the needs of patients with all kinds of cosmetic concerns. Aging affects everyone a little differently, and for that reason, no single procedure will look the same. A consultation with our surgeon will help design the right procedure for you. We can completely customize your procedure to meet each of your aesthetic needs. For example, many patients opt to add a neck lift to their procedure to take a comprehensive approach to aging.

A neck lift is a procedure that addresses skin laxity along the jawline and the chin profile. Adding a neck lift to your procedure can address the lower area between the face and the neck and loose skin on the neck. It can even help eliminate a double chin. During your consultation, we will evaluate your primary areas of concern and determine whether you would benefit from a facelift, a neck lift, or a combination of both.

The Different Types of Techniques

There are several different techniques that can be implemented into your treatment plan to address your specific areas of concern. Since this procedure doesn’t take a one-size-fits-all approach to the aging process, it is completely customizable.

The Neck Lift

Patients who simply want to address their jawline, chin profile, and neck can schedule this procedure to obtain a more youthful-looking neck. It will address the platysmal muscles, bands, and wrinkles. After this procedure is performed, you can expect a five to seven-day recovery.

The Mini Lift

Younger patients who have experienced some degree of skin laxity but are happy with the appearance of their necks can schedule the mini lift to address some of the more noticeable signs of aging on the face. This procedure results in a seven-day recovery.

The Skin-Only Lift

There are different types of lifts, including the skin-only lift. This lift simply addresses severe skin laxity without addressing the facial anatomy. Recovery takes place over a seven-day period. This procedure is typically recommended for elderly patients who do not want to undergo an advanced procedure.

The Lower Lift

The lower lift addresses the lower two-thirds of the face. Those who have significant signs of aging on the neck and lower half face can schedule this procedure to tighten, recontour, and define their neck, jawline, and chin profile. This specific procedure usually results in a seven to ten-day recovery period.

Additional Procedures

Not only can you customize the type of lift you want, but you can also add other procedures to your facelift to address other areas of the face. Many patients schedule blepharoplasty, brow lifts, or breast and body surgeries in conjunction with this procedure to reach all of their aesthetic goals during one procedure.

Your options are limitless, and we will take every measure possible to help you reach your aesthetic goals. Since there are so many options, an initial consultation is important because it will help us learn more about your goals and concerns and help us take the necessary measures to address each one.

What Kind of Recovery Can I Expect?

After your procedure, expect to take 10 to 14 days off work. Depending on the severity of your procedure and the measures taken to address your treatment plan, your recovery time may vary.

We can provide you with a better idea of what your specific recovery period may look like once we design your treatment plan. Any sutures put in place during the procedure will be removed seven days later, and you will begin to look and feel more like your younger self again within four weeks of your recovery.

Who Is a Candidate?

The best candidates for a facelift are men and women who can no longer sufficiently combat the signs of aging and improve their appearance with minimally or non-invasive treatments and techniques. If dermal fillers, Botox, and other anti-aging treatments aren’t helping you look and feel like a younger version of yourself any longer, you may benefit from a facelift.

A consultation with Dr. Lipschitz will determine whether or not you’re eligible for this procedure. This consultation will include a thorough evaluation of your health history, your ultimate aesthetic goals, and a determination as to whether you would benefit from this procedure. If you don’t qualify for a facelift, we can provide you with alternative options to help you reach your aesthetic goals and increase your confidence in your appearance.

The Liquid Facelift

Patients who do not qualify for a surgical facelift may qualify for the alternative, minimally invasive version that uses injectables to lift, contour, and redefine the face. This procedure can deliver some incredible, immediate, noticeable results and address many of the most common signs of aging that affect both men and women alike. This particular treatment can deliver total facial rejuvenation without any surgical techniques, incisions, or significant recovery.

Patients with some of the more moderate to mild signs of aging, including skin laxity, hollow areas, and facial folds and wrinkles, can benefit from this alternative treatment. A consultation is the best way to determine whether you would benefit from this minimally invasive treatment or the surgical version.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you’ve been considering this procedure but don’t know if it’s right for you, we can help. Contact us today at Athena Plastic Surgery in Stuart, FL, to schedule your initial consultation, meet with Dr. Lipschitz, and learn more about the procedure, what you can expect, and whether it’s the right choice for you.

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