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What to Expect with a Breast Augmentation Surgery

The prospect of breast augmentation might have you tingling with excitement one moment and full of nerves the next. At Athena Plastic Surgery in Stuart, FL, we perfectly understand what you’re going through. The best way to calm your mind and achieve the body you want is with information. Once you understand exactly what surgery and recovery entail, you’ll quickly see a fuller, firmer bust are well within reach.

What to Expect with a Breast Augmentation Surgery

The first step is a consultation with our office. This allows for open, honest dialogue so we can understand your goals for surgery. We’ll ask questions about your current and previous medical conditions and offer our opinion as to how to get your desired outcome. We’ll additionally use this time to explain the entire breast augmentation process.

In addition to determining the breast size that’s right for you – based on your personal goals and measurements we take of your body – we’ll also help you choose a breast implant material. The two main varieties are silicone or saline implants, and each delivers a unique shape and feel. Depending on your selection, you will then choose a shape, such as round or teardrop. We offer patients a variety of implant options so they get exactly what they’re looking for.

A Two-Way Conversation

Finally, we’ll discuss whether your implants will be placed below or above the chest muscle. The consultation is also a great opportunity for you to ask questions you have. Nothing is off-limits, so feel free to clarify any points you’re uncertain of. We want to ensure you feel completely comfortable before the day of your surgery.

The Day of Surgery

We can schedule your augmentation during the consultation. When the big day is finally here, we ask that you arrive at the time discussed dressed in loose, comfortable clothes. A shirt that buttons or zips in the front is best so you don’t have to raise your arms to put it back on. You should also refrain from eating or drinking eight hours before surgery to minimize your risk of regurgitation from the anesthesia.

Because you will be sedated for the surgery, you will not be able to drive yourself home. This means that prior to surgery, you will need to arrange for transportation and someone to stay with you for 24 to 48 hours following surgery.

Prepping Steps

After you check in at the front desk, you will be directed to a private room for prepping. You’ll be asked to change into a hospital gown, and we’ll make incision marks on your breasts to help the surgery go as smoothly as possible. Your chest will likely be cleaned with antimicrobial soap to reduce any risk of infection, and you’ll then be connected to several monitors. These allow us to watch your vital signs during and after surgery.

Before surgery starts, you will probably be given one IV line to keep you hydrated and another to administer the anesthesia. A licensed anesthetist will monitor both throughout the surgery.

The Surgery

Breast augmentation can usually be completed in two hours or less. Our team will take very precise steps to ensure great results. First, we’ll start with the incisions – made where we previously marked your skin. We’ll then create a pocket under the pectoral muscle or behind the breast tissue. The implant gets placed into this area. Silicone implants are already filled before insertion, whereas saline implants get filled once the shell is securely in the pocket.

Once both implants are in place, we’ll check for symmetry and close your incisions. Dressings will then be applied to your breasts to protect the incision sites and keep in place the implant and natural breast tissues.


After your surgery is complete, we’ll wake you from anesthesia and place you into a recovery room. Our staff will continue to monitor you for up to a full hour. We’ll ensure you feel strong enough to return home and then release you with personalized recovery instructions. Once again, you will be groggy from the procedure and unable to drive yourself home.

Recovering at Home

Your recovery begins as soon as you get home from surgery. It’s critical you stay hydrated and get plenty of rest, and to facilitate this, you need a comfortable recovery area created before your surgery. Some items to have in this area include:

You should also prepare some healthy, nutritious meals prior to surgery that can be easily reheated. You won’t feel up to cooking, and you shouldn’t take precious time from resting to cook. Stews, soups, and casseroles make nutritious choices that can be frozen or stored in the refrigerator. Also give thought to easy breakfasts and snacks. Yogurt, nuts, cereal, cheese, and crackers can be easily grabbed and taken back to your recovery spot to eat.

The First Week

Again, we need to reiterate this time should be devoted to rest. But you should also start doing some light walking as soon as you feel up to it. This encourages proper blood flow to prevent blood clots and deliver crucial nutrients to your breast tissues.

The last thing you want to do, however, is push your body. Rest when you need to and keep in mind your recovery is only temporary. You’ll soon be back on your feet and performing all your old tasks.

Two to Three Weeks

By this point, you’ll be able to gradually resume some of your regular routine. Most women are able to return to work within one to two weeks after breast augmentation. You may need additional time off if your job requires strenuous physical activity, including heavy lifting and/or standing on your feet all day.

We will continue to carefully monitor your recovery and let you know when it’s safe to resume light exercise and other normal activities. In general, gentle cardio activities can be incorporated at the three-week milestone – but strenuous activities are still off the table. Remember to start slow when it comes to exercise and gradually increase your efforts as your body grows stronger.

Four to Six Weeks

After four weeks, you will feel much like your old self and likely be able to incorporate strenuous activities back into your routine. You can only do this, however, after we tell you it’s safe.

Making activity decisions on your own can lead to unwanted complications, so always wait for approval from our office. While more intense lower body exercises can be resumed after about four weeks, you’ll need to still refrain from chest exercises and heavy lifting until the six-week mark.

Final Results

The final results from your surgery will develop about three to four months after surgery. Breast implants need time to settle into their proper positions. Be patient with yourself and your body. You’ve embarked on a brand new journey, and we can assure you your new appearance will be well worth the wait.

The Path to a New You

Augmentation helps pave the path to a new you. The surgery goes quickly – remember, it’s usually completed in less than two hours – and recovery involves getting plenty of rest, staying hydrated, and eating simple, nutritious foods. And you can typically return to your old routines in just a matter of weeks. Schedule your consultation today by contacting Athena Plastic Surgery in Stuart, FL.

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