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Blepharoplasty to Correct Tired-Looking Eyes


The most expressive part of a person’s face is their eyes. You can tell if a person is happy, if they are sad, or if they are frustrated simply by looking at their eyes. If a person has large bags around their eyes or if their eyelids are heavy and droop down, they look like they are tired, angry, worn-out, and aged. Eyelid surgery can help give a person’s face a youthful, more vibrant appearance.

What is Eyelid Surgery?

Blepharoplasty, the medical term for eyelid surgery, removes excess deposits of skin and fat around the eyes. Once the excess skin and fat have been removed, the remaining skin may be stitched together, creating an eyelid crease. This procedure can be performed on the upper and lower eyelids.

Why is Eyelid Surgery Performed?

Eyelid surgery is designed to remove the aged, puffy, heavy-looking appearance that excessive skin and fat on the eyelids can cause. In some extreme cases, excess fat and skin around the eyes can affect a person’s vision.

In some cultures, eyelid surgery is used to create an upper eyelid crease, thereby giving the eyelid a westernized appearance.

How to Tell If Eyelid Surgery is Right for You

Eyelid surgery is right for you if you walk into the procedure with realistic expectations. You should be in good health and not have skin or eye issues that would complicate the surgery.

Before the procedure, have a detailed discussion about what you want done to your eyes with the surgeon. Discuss the risks associated with the procedure and any pre-operation instructions you will need to follow. The doctor may recommend pain medications, ice packs, eye drops, and other post-surgery items you will need to have at home when you return from surgery.

The recovery process for eyelid surgery is relatively short. For the first 48 hours, the physician may recommend that you use a cold compress to minimize the bruising. They may suggest that you engage in some light activities to help speed the healing.

You may need to wear bandages around the incision sites for multiple days, and the stitches will stay in place for around a week. If you follow the doctor’s recommendations before and after the surgery, the chance of complications developing is slim.

The human eyes are the most expressive part of the face. Make sure that your eyes are expressing what you want them to by having eyelid surgery to remove excess skin and fat. Contact Athena Plastic Surgery today to schedule your consultation.

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