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What is Blepharoplasty?


Droopy, sagging eyelids present an obvious problem for mature adults. Not only does this condition detract from our appearance, but it can also impair our vision. A simple surgical procedure to correct sagging eyelids is blepharoplasty. This procedure can address the upper eyelids, the lower eyelids or both. It involves the removal of excess fatty tissue and skin. The eyelid skin is very thin, and any buildup of excess tissue causes puffiness and drooping as gravity pulls the skin downward. We highly recommend a blepharoplasty procedure for individuals concerned about their appearance because of baggy, wrinkled eyelid skin.

The Ideal Candidate for Blepharoplasty

As we age and mature, excess fat is deposited underneath the eyelid skin. The added mass causes the skin to crease or fold, and this results in small wrinkles, a shadow effect and even repositioning of the eyelashes. This is not a medical problem, but it can indeed affect how well we see. Drooping upper lids can impair the field of vision, and baggy lower lids can make us look as if we are wearing some sort of brown eye shadow.

The ideal candidate will be an individual who is generally in good health and who has drooping lids caused by excess fat buildup. Those who have any sort of serious eye conditions should consult with their eye doctor before choosing this procedure.

How Blepharoplasty is Performed

During a typical procedure, any excess tissue is removed carefully. The surgeon then repositions the eyelids in a way that makes them look more refreshed when all is said and done. The exact details of the procedure vary from patient to patient.

After Your Blepharoplasty Procedure

After your healing is complete, the skin on the lids will be tighter, firmer and with fewer wrinkles. The eyelids will also be realigned, meaning that any drooping or variation from the horizontal line will also be corrected. The eyelashes will once again follow a natural swoop curve above and below the eye.

Contact Us Today for More Information

At Athena Plastic Surgery, we provide complete consultation services for interested clients. During a meeting at one of our locations in Palm Beach Gardens or Stuart, you can find out if you are a suitable candidate for this simple cosmetic procedure. We proudly serve the West Palm Beach and surrounding areas. Contact us today to schedule your appointment to learn more about how a blepharoplasty can benefit you.

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